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Jennifer De Clercq
Registered Massage Therapist
Structural Integrator
Supportive Bodywork for Balance and Movement

“Jenny helps to alleviate my chronic neck and shoulder problems. I highly recommend her professionalism.” ~ Allan C.

Anatomy Trains Structural Integration 12 Session Series

Anatomy Trains Structural Integration is an effective form of bodywork using myofascial techniques guided by the myofascial meridians as a strategy to relieve pain and tension. This modality can restore your balance, stability, and ease of movement for the long term.


If you haven’t have much success getting long term results with other modalities, Structural Integration may be the release that your body has been seeking.

What can Structural Integration do for you?

  • Improve your sensory perception of movement for better performance in activities
  • Align skeletal system to reduce myofascial effort in standing and movement
  • Reduce compensation in movement and standing
  • Increase range of motion and movement within the limitations of age, health, and past history
  • Decrease joint pain such as neck, back, hip, knee, shoulders
  • Give length to the trunk and limbs as the body thrives at its full length rather than in contraction
  • Balance the tone of the myofascial tissue
  • Improve your ability to maintain balance and resiliency when faced with stressful negative impacts
  • Create a better emotional and spiritual expression through the physical self
Anatomy Trains Structural Integration (ATSI)

Call Jenny at: 403-860-2843
or Book Online anytime

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