What is Anatomy Trains Structural Integration (ATSI)

How would you feel if you could move your body with ease, have better posture and be able to do activities that bring you joy?

Did you know that you can achieve this with 12 weekly sessions of ATSI.

How does Anatomy Trains Structural Integration (ATSI) Work?

ATSI comprises strategic myofascial release sessions, coupled with movement education, to re-educate the body into an ideal alignment in gravity. Addressing the body as a whole unit, we restore and build length, balance, and stability to reduce the structural stress patterns residing in the body’s loco-motor system.

The new alignment simply becomes a part of who you are for the long term. After the sessions, you do not have to work at or repeatedly see a practitioner to maintain alignment.

How does the body change shape over time?

Starting as early as childhood, most of us collect and imprint tension into our body. Stress patterns come about from:

  • Inefficient movement habits
  • Shaping our body around objects such as cars, desks, phones
  • Repetitive activities
  • Injuries, surgery, birth
  • Emotional trauma

These patterns trigger a neuromuscular response to contract, immobilize, and often rotate muscles. Over time, the fascia which encases the contracted muscle, reshapes to shorten, thicken, and glue itself to surrounding structures. As a result, the shape of our bodies change, putting us off balance, restricting our range of motion, and requiring more energy for everyday movements. Chronic pain can ensue and the imbalanced body is more positioned for possible injury.

What is Involved?

  • 12 progressive and strategic sessions targeted to reach your goals. It’s not endless therapy.
  • Your body’s imbalances are assessed in gravity at every session.
  • You and the therapist will work together on the treatment table, in standing position, and upright on a bench slowly moving through the techniques.
  • You will experience a sensational release and you control how deep or gentle you want the progression to be.

Structural Intergration expert CalgaryBenefits of Anatomy Trains Structural Integration

  • Achieve better posture, alignment, and ease of movement
  • Decreased pain
  • Improved performance in activities
  • Reduced effort in standing or sitting
  • Increased range of motion
  • More balanced and evenly weighed in the joints
  • Length to the trunk and limbs
  • Improved vitality and energy
  • Resiliency towards stressful negative impacts
  • Accurate physical representation of the emotional self


Is this covered under my health care plan?
It is performed by a Registered Massage Therapist and is covered under your massage benefits.

How long does it take for the changes to take effect?
Some people feel change in their body after one session and others will feel change later in the series. After the sessions are completed, your body will continue on the path of change. Fascia moves slowly and can take 9-24 months to re-knit.

Twelve sessions is a lot of money and time. Can we spread the treatments out over a year?
Compacting the treatments together ideally over 12 weeks will allow for momentum to build to get results. After you complete the 12 sessions, you may find you will not need to invest in continuous ongoing therapy. This is an investment in your body’s future, something you will need to function optimally for your lifetime.